In Pictures| The Splendour of 5-day Long Chandigarh Establishment Day Celebrations

The 5-day long extravagant celebration of 51 years of Chandigarh’s establishment as UT and joint capital of Punjab and Haryana concluded on Sunday and Chandigarh Establishment Day had truly been a befitting gala event that the City Beautiful deserve.

From sumptuous food to soulful music, from intellectual inspirations to honouring Chandigarh’s icons, from fashion and shopping to real estate and auto expo, from contemporary to vintage, the Chandigarh Establishment Day festivities had glorified each and every facet of Chandigarh life.

Let’s relive those 5 days in pictures below:

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ChandigarhX is proud to have been associated as OFFICIAL ONLINE CONTENT PARTNER of Chandigarh Establishment Day.