Chinese Expedition: Chinese Doors To India

What has left me bewildered and completely awe-struck is the perfect amalgamation of tradition and modernity in China. Where you will find skyscrapers and ultra modern technology, there you will find traditional hues shining brightly too.

Who could have thought historical roots in as mundane a thing as door and it took me back to my travel memoirs in India.

The Royal Haveli door:



Found this beautifully ornated traditional door on a lazy stroll in Chinese alleys.




The vibrant red color. Just like a haveli in Indian countryside.





Intricate craftsmanship like in Mughal and Rajput monuments





Such intricate craftsmanship! I was remembered of the historical monuments in my own country where jarokhas and door proudly display the artistic prowess in culture. But, sadly very few now pay any regard to it.





Siddharth: Ibn Battuta from Chandigarh, Siddharth is a free spirit whose abode is on roads. He is a wanderer with sole mission to explore every nook and cranny of the world. He loves to go off-road to be awed by the untouched magnificence. As he leaves his foot-prints around the world, he's bringing the world unknown to you here. Stay fascinated.
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